This year’s MexIHC conference allowed us to showcase some of the work carried out with our very talented students from the Universidad Tecnólogica de la Mixteca. Although I was not able to attend the conference myself, the feedback I received with regard to the students’ presentations was very encouraging. Daniel Martínez García presented a wizard of Oz (WoZ) framework for evaluating  the Embodied Conversational Agent (ECA) Samuela. Victor Manuel Garcia Luna presented a strategy for integrating cross-cultural differences in the design of a GUI implementing Information Society Indicators (ISIs). The university was also represented by two teams in the student design competition who finished 1st and 3rd.


Martínez García, D., Craig, P., Roa-Seiler, N. and Benítez Saucedo, A., “Validación de una estrategia de interacción de un agente corpóreo conversacional a través de la técnica del mago de Oz,” presented at the MexIHC, Mexico City, Mexico, 2012. ACM ISBN: 978-1-4503-1659-0
draft meihc_22

Victor Manuel Garcia Luna, Mario Alberto Moreno Rocha, Néna Roa Seïler, and Paul Craig., “Estrategia para la integración de diferencias transculturales en el diseño de una Interfaz Gráfica de Usuario (GUI) implementando Indicadores de Sociedad de Información (ISI)” presented at the MexIHC, Mexico City, Mexico, 2012. ACM ISBN: 978-1-4503-1659-0

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